Social and Behavioural

Explore Social and Behavioural

Dr. Nicole Letourneau | Improving Parenting and Child Outcomes Through Reflective Functioning: Results from the ATTACH™ Program

Dr. Nicole Letourneau | Improving Parenting and Child Outcomes Through Reflective Functioning: Results from the ATTACH™ Program

Early adversity, such as family violence, parental depression and low income, puts children at risk for maltreatment and negatively impacts their development. A team of researchers led by Nicole Letourneau at the University of Calgary has evaluated a promising intervention called ATTACH™ (which is short for Attachment and Child Health) that aims to improve outcomes for vulnerable families by enhancing parental reflective functioning.

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Professor Bertrand Guillotin | What Happens When Companies Take a Stand Against Unethical Practices?

Professor Bertrand Guillotin | What Happens When Companies Take a Stand Against Unethical Practices?

Corporate responsibility is increasingly crucial for businesses, but it comes with challenges. Using Hershey as an example, Professor Bertrand Guillotin of the Fox School of Business at Temple University explores the chocolate industry’s struggle with child labor in West Africa. Despite commitments to eradicate this issue, progress has been slow. He examines the changing governance landscape, evolving consumer expectations, and the impact of ethical concerns on business operations.

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Professor Bertrand Guillotin | CEOs Face a Tough Challenge in Navigating the ‘Culture Wars’

Professor Bertrand Guillotin | CEOs Face a Tough Challenge in Navigating the ‘Culture Wars’

What is the impact of the ‘culture wars’ on American businesses? Professor Bertrand Guillotin at the Fox School of Business at Temple University explores this phenomenon using the case of Chick-fil-A, a fast-food giant caught in the crossfire of social issues. From its conservative Christian roots to recent attempts at inclusivity, he explores how CEO Andrew Cathy has so far navigated this complex landscape. Examining strategies other companies use to manage their stance in today’s polarized climate, he highlights the challenges of balancing corporate values with social values.

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Dr Jerome Premmereur | What Spinoza Can Help us Understand About Extreme Radicalism

Dr Jerome Premmereur | What Spinoza Can Help us Understand About Extreme Radicalism

In a novel exploration of human radicalism, defined by governments as violent attacks, Dr Jerome Premmereur, a cardiologist and a clinical research expert based in the United States, draws on the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza to propose innovative solutions to the pressing societal issue of terrorism. His new book, “A Biological, Psychological and Philosophical Approach to Human Nature and Radicalism”, examines radicalism through the lens of human biology and Spinoza’s concepts, offering a comprehensive approach to understanding and mitigating extremism. Premmereur argues that radicalism is an inherent part of human nature, but can be addressed through a holistic strategy encompassing education, politics, balanced laws, healthcare, and economic stability. By revisiting ancient Greek democracy and applying Spinoza’s ideas to modern challenges, Premmereur presents an optimistic vision, although challenging in practice, to reduce extremism and create a better world.

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Dr Alan Cottey | How we can Improve our Science Communication to Create Climate Crisis Action

Dr Alan Cottey | How we can Improve our Science Communication to Create Climate Crisis Action

We are facing a climate crisis that threatens our entire world and life as we know it. Despite this, scientists have found it difficult to engage people on the issue and inspire effective action. Dr Alan Cottey at the University of East Anglia explores the history of scientists’ climate warnings and suggests a four-register model of communication that he believes has the potential to reach people with varying degrees of scientific literacy and different lifestyles.

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Professor Yaniv Belhassen | What role does tourism have in peacebuilding and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians?

Professor Yaniv Belhassen | What role does tourism have in peacebuilding and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians?

Vitamin D has been studied as a treatment for a large number of diseases and conditions, from cancer to autism to COVID-19. However, its mode of action is not completely understood. Professor Ralf Herwig carries out his research at HG Pharma GmbH (Austria) and Ulster University (UK). His vital work explores the role of vitamin D in the body with a view to unlocking its potential as a treatment for a variety of health conditions involving the immune system.

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Professor Thea Brown | Unveiling Factors Linked to the Murder of Children by Their Parents

Professor Thea Brown | Unveiling Factors Linked to the Murder of Children by Their Parents

Filicide, the killing of a child by a parent or a parental figure, is a heinous and incomprehensible crime. Professor Thea Brown, with her colleagues Associate Professor Danielle Tyson and Dr Paula Fernandez Arias from the Monash Deakin Filicide Research Hub shared between Monash and Deakin Universities, has been studying filicide for years, in the hope of uncovering common factors linked to filicide that could be included in future prevention initiatives. Her studies identified common social, familial, and personal circumstances that characterised many cases of filicide in Australia over the past decades.

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Professor Deanna Kuhn | How Can We Equip Teens With Skills and Values of Reasoned, Respectful Discourse?

Professor Deanna Kuhn | How Can We Equip Teens With Skills and Values of Reasoned, Respectful Discourse?

Our world is facing new and frightening challenges, and political polarization has never been greater. Many see reasoned, respectful discourse as our only path to survival and progress, but attaining the skills and values it requires is not straightforward. Professor Deanna Kuhn of Columbia University has developed a discourse-based curriculum to help the next generation develop the values and the social and critical thinking skills they will need if they are to use tools of discourse to address the complex problems and challenges that await them.

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Professor Tanja Börzel | How Identity Politics Shapes European Union Integration

Professor Tanja Börzel | How Identity Politics Shapes European Union Integration

The war in Ukraine has tested the resilience and unity of the European Union in unprecedented ways. As with some past European crises, EU member states have shown a willingness to unify and cooperate. However, unlike during other crises, this hasn’t resulted in strengthened EU regulatory or fiscal powers. In recent research, Professor Tanja Börzel at Freie Universität Berlin explores why this is the case.

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Dr John Kershner | Understanding the Causes and Brain Mechanisms Behind Dyslexia

Dr John Kershner | Understanding the Causes and Brain Mechanisms Behind Dyslexia

Individuals with dyslexia encounter difficulties in learning to read, despite possessing a normal level of intelligence and having access to qualified teachers and educational materials. However, the causes of dyslexia remain disputed. One suggestion is that dyslexia may be related to stress, either experienced by the afflicted individual at a young age, or through inheriting stress-related biological changes from their parents. Dr John Kershner, a neuropsychologist at the University of Toronto, has conducted extensive research on this alternative hypothesis and provides compelling evidence to support this emerging concept.

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Professor Uma Lele | Exploring How India Can Ensure Sustainable Growth and Resilience with Broad Participation into the Future

Professor Uma Lele | Exploring How India Can Ensure Sustainable Growth and Resilience with Broad Participation into the Future

India has seen impressive economic and institutional growth in recent years, but the country isn’t yet meeting its full potential. In a world that is increasingly volatile and uncertain, how can India overcome its challenges and ensure resilience into the future? In her recent work, Professor Uma Lele explores various ways that India can achieve this.

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Professor Ann Nevile | What Evidence Do Policymakers Need to Make Robust Decisions?

Professor Ann Nevile | What Evidence Do Policymakers Need to Make Robust Decisions?

Policy decisions are influenced by many factors, from the ideology of the policymaker and their advisors to political expediency. Most would also agree that key political decisions should be evidence-based. However, this is easier said than done. Understanding what evidence policymakers need, and how they should evaluate this, is key for more robust decision-making.

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Dr Nina Gmeiner | 21st Century Trends in Property Regimes: Progressive Commons

Dr Nina Gmeiner | 21st Century Trends in Property Regimes: Progressive Commons

The ownership of goods, including both material objects and immaterial goods such as intellectual property, is defined by property regimes. Property regimes are sets of rules that define ownership. They determine who can own goods, legitimate ways of acquiring and using them, and duties associated with owning them. Two important categories of property regimes are private property and common property regimes. Private property regimes focus on ownership by a single person or entity, while common property regimes involve ownership by several people or entities. Nina Gmeiner and her colleagues from the research project RightSeeds explored the recent emergence of a class of property regimes known as progressive commons.

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Professor Samantha Punch | Benefits of Bridge: The Partnership Mindsport

Professor Samantha Punch | Benefits of Bridge: The Partnership Mindsport

Bridge is a popular card game played socially and competitively by millions of people throughout the world. Each game consists of four players divided into two pairs, or ‘partnerships’. They compete against each other to win ‘tricks’ through cooperation, strategic thinking and logical deduction. Professor Samantha Punch at the University of Stirling leads ‘Bridge: A MindSport for All’. This research-led project explores the benefits of bridge amongst the circuit of international players.

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Dr Robert Walsh | Propaganda and Mass Deception Depend Upon the Tribal Mind

Dr Robert Walsh | Propaganda and Mass Deception Depend Upon the Tribal Mind

Propaganda is the systemic use of language with the intent to brainwash rather than to persuade. Deceptive communication designed to mislead the masses is commonplace in the Information Age. Dr Robert Walsh of Sisseton Wahpeton College in South Dakota recently examined how propagandists bend language for mass deception. He argued that what makes propaganda insidious is a vestige of our prehistoric past – the Neolithic or Tribal Mind.

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Debra Klages | Post-traumatic Growth in Health Professionals Who are Mothers of Adult Children with Schizophrenia

Debra Klages | Post-traumatic Growth in Health Professionals Who are Mothers of Adult Children with Schizophrenia

For young people with schizophrenia, their first experience of psychosis is often highly traumatic. Because of the close, nurturing relationships mothers typically have with their children, they too can experience trauma while witnessing their children’s disturbing psychotic episodes. As a result, mothers of adult children with schizophrenia often experience negative impacts on their physical and psychological health. Debra Klages takes a unique perspective by shedding light on how the traumatic experiences of health professionals with dual roles as mothers can lead to personal and professional growth and resilience.

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Professor Zygmunt Pizlo | How Fundamentals in Physics Can Explain Perception and Cognition

Professor Zygmunt Pizlo | How Fundamentals in Physics Can Explain Perception and Cognition

Psychophysics is the formal study of perception – our sensory experience of the world. Professor Zygmunt Pizlo at the University of California-Irvine explains that while symmetry is fundamental in both physics and mathematics, it is also fundamental to our understanding of vision. He believes there is much to gain in expanding the existing boundaries of psychology, cognitive science and neuroscience by embracing established fundamentals in physics.

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The Multi-theory Model of Health Behavior Change: Understanding Meditation, or ‘Dhyana’ | Professor Manoj Sharma

The Multi-theory Model of Health Behavior Change: Understanding Meditation, or ‘Dhyana’ | Professor Manoj Sharma

Meditation is the regular, purposeful practice of becoming aware of one’s bodily sensations, thoughts, or other points of focus. Professor Manoj Sharma, a global health promotion leader and Chair of the Social and Behavioral Health department at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, wished to test whether a health behavioral model that he developed could explain why adults begin and maintain a meditation practice. While this multi-theory model – or ‘MTM’ – has been applied to many health-related behaviors, two domains are core to the model: initiation of a health behavior and sustenance of this behavior.

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Professor Kieran Kilcawley | Using Flavour Chemistry to Identify Biomarkers Behind the Sensory Perception of Irish Grass-fed Beef and Lamb

Professor Kieran Kilcawley | Using Flavour Chemistry to Identify Biomarkers Behind the Sensory Perception of Irish Grass-fed Beef and Lamb

For many consumers, the origin of the food they buy is of great importance. For instance, Irish beef and lamb is often seen as superior quality meat, as the animals are typically reared outdoors on a diet of predominately fresh grass. However, are Irish beef and lamb actually any different to meats produced elsewhere, from animals reared indoors in less sustainable production systems? Professor Kieran Kilcawley and his team at the Teagasc Agriculture and Food Development Authority in Ireland, in conjunction with University College Dublin, are investigating the ‘flavour chemistry’ of beef and lamb. Their aim is to determine whether there are fundamental differences in the chemical properties of meat due to the animal’s diet and origin.

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Dr William Durkan | Exploring How the Geography of Voter Turnout Impacts Election Results

Dr William Durkan | Exploring How the Geography of Voter Turnout Impacts Election Results

Voter turnout plays a key role in the functioning of democracies. If only a minority of citizens vote, the elected government might not accurately represent the views of the population. In contrast, when voter turnout is high, a country’s government has a strong mandate to make decisions on its citizens’ behalf. The geographical distributions of voters and voter turnout also significantly affect the outcome of elections. Dr William Durkan of Maynooth University in Ireland recently explored the changing geographies of voter turnout in US presidential elections from 2012 to 2020, using the state of Michigan as a case study.

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Sarah Leighton | Can Psychiatric Assistance Dogs Help Military Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?

Sarah Leighton | Can Psychiatric Assistance Dogs Help Military Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?

Psychiatric assistance dogs trained to help with mental health symptoms have become increasingly popular as a complementary intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sarah Leighton and her colleagues from Purdue University and the University of Arizona in the USA are exploring the effectiveness of psychiatric assistance dog partnerships for military veterans with PTSD.

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Do European Citizens Accept EU and National Policies Equally?

Do European Citizens Accept EU and National Policies Equally?

Following the global financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, a related economic emergency known as the Euro Crisis spread throughout Europe. To counter this crisis, the EU imposed a series of austerity measures in the worst-hit countries, which fuelled outrage across Europe. However, it is unclear whether citizens were more outraged about these policies because they had been implemented by EU institutions rather than national governments. Professor Sonia Alonso and Professor Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca recently set out to understand whether the willingness of citizens to accept unpopular policies varies depending on whether they were introduced by their national governments or by EU institutions.

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