Institutional Public Engagement Program

As you probably already know, researchers are becoming increasingly aware of their responsibility to communicate more broadly, especially to the public.

Moreover, given the significant change in the way information is disseminated and accessed, people want more from researchers, academic institutions, and industry than ever before. As a result, the topic of science communication is a growing area of interest.

It is now widely accepted that broader science communication is a fundamental aspect of a scientist’s career. While many do recognise this, it can be a challenge to do it effectively. SciPod offers a professional communication and dissemination service to support and enhance science. We make science understandable, enjoyable, accessible, and open.

Institutional Public Engagement Program (IPEP)

SciPod’s IPEP will support you in profiling your researchers’ activities through an additional, original, cost-effective and expertly-produced outreach communication option. SciPod has an unrivalled team of scientific experts, writers, designers and voice artists to support and complement your communication department in communicating the work and impact of your researchers. We enable organisations, institutes, universities, funding bodies, NGOs and scholarly societies to share, disseminate and promote their scientific and societal endeavours through SciPod – to a broader and more diverse audience than traditional media and publication outlets can readily provide.

IPEP goals and objectives

We have worked with and spoken to many researchers who understand the value of science communication and what we offer – from personal, scientific and societal points of view. The first major barrier is the fact that there is a cost to engage in quality science communication, and there is often no clear budget for this, even if a public engagement mandate is included in the objectives of a research project. The second barrier is the time it takes to produce quality science communication material. So, not only do we tackle the goal of making science fun, accessible and available to anyone and everyone, but we have also developed a low-cost and expedited service that allows academics and departments to carry on with their important daily tasks whilst being able to deliver a high-impact outreach campaign. Our main focus is writing and developing the content in close collaboration with our clients and partners so that their remit and importance can be better communicated in a more contextualised way. We produce all material in a personalised format so that the focus is on the research and the researcher. By doing this, it allows the audience to connect and get to know the scientist and the science on a more intimate level.

How we help your research reach further


We will transform your scholarly paper into a sharable 10-minute audio layman summary and promotes to our audience of 40,000 monthly website and through over 50 audio networks, including Apple Podcasts, Audible, Spotify, Google Podcasts, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Breaker, Pocket Cast, Radio Public, and Overcast.


We will turn your scholarly paper into a 3-minute 2D video animation. Animated videos can quickly bridge geographic, demographic and language barriers, allowing you to share the message of your research to a time-conscious society. Tap into the YouTube generation and let your research compete with primetime television.

Why partner with us?

With over 7000 new science papers being published each day, many are never read, let alone cited. Audio and video can help cut through the noise of over-publishing, by communicating science and research in an accessible language for a broad, diverse, and modern audience.

Three out every four audio consumers say they enjoy tuning in to audios to learn new things (source: Statista)

Monthly podcast listeners have grown 61,5% in 3 years (source: The Infinite Dial)

59% more time was spent listening to podcasts than scrolling through social media (source: semrush)

Each week, more Americans listen to podcasts than have Netflix accounts (source: Edison Research)

Partnership opportunities

There are several ways we can support your communication efforts. Our overall goal is to provide an original, impactful, and highly complementary service to both you and your researchers.

Marketing outsourcing

Arrange a fixed budget for SciPod to produce and promote a required number of audiobooks for your institute. You can select certain researchers to highlight, or we can help with selection.

SciPod will work to your requirements and deliver marketing impact without the cost of employing a marketing department.

Exclusive referral

Arrange a fixed budget for SciPod to produce and promote a required number of audiobooks for your institute. You can select certain researchers to highlight, or we can help with selection.

SciPod will work to your requirements and deliver marketing impact without the cost of employing a marketing department.

Trusted by the research community

New York University
I decided to work with SciPod because they made a persuasive case that I could reach a different audience than usual through an Audiobook. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, particularly the expert rewriting and recording of my message, which challenges aspects of AI. The production quality has been excellent, and I am very pleased with the results. I would definitely work with SciPod again and recommend their services to colleagues. Listen to the SciPod
Prof Steven Brams
New York University
I decided to work with SciPod because they made a persuasive case that I could reach a different audience than usual through an Audiobook. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, particularly the expert rewriting and recording of my message, which challenges aspects of AI. The production quality has been excellent, and I am very pleased with the results. I would definitely work with SciPod again and recommend their services to colleagues. Listen to the SciPod
New York University
Prof Steven Brams
New York University
The Australian National University
In the early stages of my academic career, disseminating research beyond academia was not prioritised. However, recognising the significance of social impact has become a cornerstone principle at POLIS: The Centre for Social Policy Research. SciPod emerges as a valuable avenue through which POLIS can achieve meaningful social impact. Over the years, I have encountered challenges in acquiring the necessary skills for effective outreach. Working with SciPod has been a rewarding experience, as they possess the expertise needed. The editorial process unfolded seamlessly at every stage, and I appreciated the ability to modify the article summary text and choose the voice for my audiobook. Listen to the SciPod
Dr Ann Nevile
The Australian National University
In the early stages of my academic career, disseminating research beyond academia was not prioritised. However, recognising the significance of social impact has become a cornerstone principle at POLIS: The Centre for Social Policy Research. SciPod emerges as a valuable avenue through which POLIS can achieve meaningful social impact. Over the years, I have encountered challenges in acquiring the necessary skills for effective outreach. Working with SciPod has been a rewarding experience, as they possess the expertise needed. The editorial process unfolded seamlessly at every stage, and I appreciated the ability to modify the article summary text and choose the voice for my audiobook. Listen to the SciPod
The Australian National University
Dr Ann Nevile
The Australian National University
University of Victoria
I worked with SciPod to promote and increase awareness of my research into the prevention of dyslexia. The SciPod team were great and I particularly enjoyed working with Nelly and learning about podcasting. I believe my research institute will also benefit from this, as it helps raise awareness of UVIC's scholarly reputation. I would work with SciPod again, and I recommended SciPod to my peers in creating awareness of their research. Listen to the SciPod
Dr David Mather
University of Victoria
I worked with SciPod to promote and increase awareness of my research into the prevention of dyslexia. The SciPod team were great and I particularly enjoyed working with Nelly and learning about podcasting. I believe my research institute will also benefit from this, as it helps raise awareness of UVIC's scholarly reputation. I would work with SciPod again, and I recommended SciPod to my peers in creating awareness of their research. Listen to the SciPod
University of Victoria
Dr David Mather
University of Victoria
Virginia Commonwealth University
SciPod is a great platform to disseminate our research to a general audience, and to make bridges between science and society. I really enjoyed working with the SciPod team and the whole process was very smooth. I will personally use the audio on my social media and to show the NIH my efforts to make my research and its benefits known to society. Listen to the SciPod
Dr Youzhong Guo
Virginia Commonwealth University
SciPod is a great platform to disseminate our research to a general audience, and to make bridges between science and society. I really enjoyed working with the SciPod team and the whole process was very smooth. I will personally use the audio on my social media and to show the NIH my efforts to make my research and its benefits known to society. Listen to the SciPod
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr Youzhong Guo
Virginia Commonwealth University
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
I wanted to find a way to spread my scientific results on olive oil, a popular food commodity in my country, to a wider audience compared to the audience of scientific journals. After working with SciPod, the results of our study are now available to olive oil producers. Also, SciPod has helped us with one of our main commitments to our funding agency, in the popularisation of scientific results obtained using their funds. The SciPod team were very communicative, and their constant support made the production process as easy as possible for me. For these reasons, I would recommend SciPod to my peers. Watch the SciPod
Dr Ilario Losito
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
I wanted to find a way to spread my scientific results on olive oil, a popular food commodity in my country, to a wider audience compared to the audience of scientific journals. After working with SciPod, the results of our study are now available to olive oil producers. Also, SciPod has helped us with one of our main commitments to our funding agency, in the popularisation of scientific results obtained using their funds. The SciPod team were very communicative, and their constant support made the production process as easy as possible for me. For these reasons, I would recommend SciPod to my peers. Watch the SciPod
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
Dr Ilario Losito
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
Universidade de Évora
I enjoyed working with SciPod, as they transform scientific language into simple ideas, and I particularly enjoyed their synthesis of my research paper. I recommend SciPod to all of my peers who want to communicate their studies in a simple and clear way. I will disseminate my SciPod on my personal webpage in my institution and research centre. My funding agency will be very pleased because I have communicated my research in a format that can be understood by non-specialists. Watch the SciPod
Dr Ana Elisa Rato
Universidade de Évora
I enjoyed working with SciPod, as they transform scientific language into simple ideas, and I particularly enjoyed their synthesis of my research paper. I recommend SciPod to all of my peers who want to communicate their studies in a simple and clear way. I will disseminate my SciPod on my personal webpage in my institution and research centre. My funding agency will be very pleased because I have communicated my research in a format that can be understood by non-specialists. Watch the SciPod
Universidade de Évora
Dr Ana Elisa Rato
Universidade de Évora
University of Newcastle, Australia
I decided to work with SciPod after hearing positive recommendations from a colleague. It seemed that an audiobook was a contemporary new way of spreading my research. The editorial team were excellent to work with and were particularly responsive to any correction requests. I look forward to SciPod’s expertise in disseminating my research through the internet in a way that I'm unfamiliar with, and giving a voice to the outcomes and the participants of my research. All in all, I would recommend SciPod to my peers. Listen to the SciPod
Professor Lynne McCormack
University of Newcastle, Australia
I decided to work with SciPod after hearing positive recommendations from a colleague.  It seemed that an audiobook was a contemporary new way of spreading my research. The editorial team were excellent to work with and were particularly responsive to any correction requests. I look forward to SciPod’s expertise in disseminating my research through the internet in a way that I'm unfamiliar with, and giving a voice to the outcomes and the participants of my research. All in all, I would recommend SciPod to my peers. Listen to the SciPod
University of Newcastle, Australia
Professor Lynne McCormack
University of Newcastle, Australia
Kuria Foundation for Social Enterprise
I worked with SciPod to develop an audiobook that would communicate my research to wider audiences beyond academia. I enjoyed working with the SciPod editorial team and particularly enjoyed their script development and professional audio recording. I would recommend SciPod to my colleagues to help with communication to non-specialist audiences. Listen to the SciPod
David K. Mbote
Kuria Foundation for Social Enterprise
I worked with SciPod to develop an audiobook that would communicate my research to wider audiences beyond academia. I enjoyed working with the SciPod editorial team and particularly enjoyed their script development and professional audio recording. I would recommend SciPod to my colleagues to help with communication to non-specialist audiences. Listen to the SciPod
Kuria Foundation for Social Enterprise
David K. Mbote
Kuria Foundation for Social Enterprise
University of Tirana
With its wide and varied audience, SciPod provides an excellent venue for scientific work to be disseminated and recognised. I was very impressed with the service SciPod provided and I was particularly impressed with the fast pace of work and accuracy in condensing my research. Through SciPod, my work will reach a much larger and diverse audience rather than a limited group of experts. It will also increase the visibility of my institution and help to solidify the scientific authority of my faculty. I look forward to working with SciPod again in the near future. Listen to the SciPod
Dr Klaudio Peqini
University of Tirana
With its wide and varied audience, SciPod provides an excellent venue for scientific work to be disseminated and recognised. I was very impressed with the service SciPod provided and I was particularly impressed with the fast pace of work and accuracy in condensing my research. Through SciPod, my work will reach a much larger and diverse audience rather than a limited group of experts. It will also increase the visibility of my institution and help to solidify the scientific authority of my faculty. I look forward to working with SciPod again in the near future. Listen to the SciPod
University of Tirana
Dr Klaudio Peqini
University of Tirana
Australian National University
There is so much "white noise" in the world, particularly when communicating advances from scientific research, which makes it difficult to promulgate your discoveries and benefits that subsequently flow onto the society. A platform was needed to help solve this, and SciPod presented our research in an accessible format for the wider public, as well as non-expert colleagues. I enjoyed working with my SciPod editor Dr Catherine Deeprose, and especially appreciated her collaboration with my local media team. I have already posted my SciPod on LinkedIn and I will attach this to my various research and academic profiles. The timing will also be useful to ME/CFS campaigns in Australia, and elsewhere. I would recommend SciPod to those looking to cut through the noise. Listen to the SciPod
Dr Brett Lidbury
Australian National University
There is so much "white noise" in the world, particularly when communicating advances from scientific research, which makes it difficult to promulgate your discoveries and benefits that subsequently flow onto the society. A platform was needed to help solve this, and SciPod presented our research in an accessible format for the wider public, as well as non-expert colleagues. I enjoyed working with my SciPod editor Dr Catherine Deeprose, and especially appreciated her collaboration with my local media team. I have already posted my SciPod on LinkedIn and I will attach this to my various research and academic profiles. The timing will also be useful to ME/CFS campaigns in Australia, and elsewhere. I would recommend SciPod to those looking to cut through the noise. Listen to the SciPod
Australian National University
Dr Brett Lidbury
Australian National University

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